24 June 2012

Connecting with Brigid

I am very drawn to all things Celtic. It's why, though I'm fond of Athena, it was strange that she seemed to be the one I was connected to. But I'm open minded and I am interested in other things, I've just always been mainly drawn to Celtic things. So I was fine with it and have been doing well with Athena. Then I was reading my Celtic Myth & Magick book, and was browsing through the list of Goddesses, and when I came to Brig (that's the name she is listed under in the book) I got this very strong feeling, similar to what I had felt with Athena. I moved on...then it went away until I went back to Brig.

So I hopped online and summoned my friend who has helped a lot with this stuff. She suggested I look into connections between Athena and Brigid. Google it was. I discovered that Athena and Brigid are equated with each other. Next came trying to connect with her through mediation.

Well, I'm terrible at meditation. I lack the ability to focus and truly relax and clear my mind. But I do the best I can. I put on some pan flute Celtic music, lit some candles, turned out the light and reached out with my mind. Also I think with my shortcomings with relaxation, it makes communication harder overall. However, I do believe I managed okay. I'm quite certain I felt her presence. I do believe she may have reached out to me to help guide me on my path.

My friend suggested perhaps Athena was there to guide me to her. I still have more to go; I shall try communicating with her some more.

I do believe all deities are a part of one another....connected and part of everything. It may be Brigid is the part I need to help me through my journey. Though I will always have a place for Athena, whatever happens. I will be placing an Owl statue for her on my altar, once I get a proper one. ^^

1 comment:

  1. Much luck. You could try using tarot to communicate with her. Light a candle to Brig and ask her to speak with you [through tarot].
