12 December 2012

Blessed Yule

Well....again I am a slacker. Though please forgive as I do have much on my mind lately and this blog keeps moving toward the back of it. Some dusty corner to be forgotten about.

It's a cold, rainy time of year here in the Pacific Northwest so I'm doing my best to stay warm. I've connected a little more with Brigid. She lets me know she is there.

I'm not sure I'll have much going on for the Solstice this year. I'm kind of bummed I don't get to go be with my family for Christmas. I haven't seen them in over a year. But trying to make the best of things. I'm with my wonderful boyfriend and his family. His dad is trying to get an 'End of the World' party going for the 21st. :) We don't actually believe it...it's more of a joke and a reason to splurge some and make ribs. lol I find it amusing. :)

That's my quick update. I'm going to TRY to put together another post....on something. But for now I hope everyone out there has a wonderful holiday season. Happy Solstice :)

Blessed Be


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