21 March 2015


When I was first starting on my path, I was searching for a matron goddess. I had really wanted the Celtic Pantheon, but my connection seemed to lean Greek. I had felt a strong pull towards Aphrodite, but I kind of resisted I think. I don't even understand why. I went with Athena, whom I also felt pulled to. Perhaps I chose her because of the wisdom aspect. That connection lasted a little bit, but I found myself searching Celtic again. For a short time, I found a connection with Brigid. I was happy. But alas, that went away as well. My life has been somewhat...chaotic. I've dealt with a lot. I think I was trying to have some control. Grasping. It's very hard for me to just let go, and let my path lead me. I basically stopped doing much on my path for awhile. Aphrodite seemed to pop up for me a couple times, but I really wasn't focused on my path.

Now, I'm trying to reconnected to my path, and the pull has returned. I'm trying very hard to let it lead me. Go with what I feel, and not want. I'd been feeling interested in the Norse, so I found myself searching through that pantheon. I found my way back to Aphrodite.

I did some meditating, doing my best to focus on her. (I'm terrible at meditation, but I did my best) I felt...well, almost like the feeling of a hug? I actually managed to relax more than usual as well. After that, I did some Tarot. Basically the cards kept telling me that while I've struggled, I'm finding my way back to my path, and I seem to be going in the right direction...just be weary so I don't fall down again.  I came out feeling like I'm right that Aphrodite has been reaching out to me.

So, I'm going with it. It feels right so I'm going to work on connecting more with Aphrodite. She seems very determined. Hopefully it's one step closer to the peace and balance I'm searching for on my journey.

Many blessings all!

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